Helpful Links


2020-2021 Online Learning

online learning

These are helpful documents to help you and your child navigate the learning applications available for Hobbs Scools.  Click here for a list of what is a available and what your student will need to log in.


Pathblazers will be the software your child will use to login for online learning.  Pathblazers provides Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Music, and an online library called Myon.  You, the parent, will receive a weekly progress report on your child's progress.  Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to log into Pathblazers.  Click here for a glimpse of what Pathblazers will look like for your child.  If you prefer a step-by-step video to watch to show you how to log in to Pathblazers, click here.


Elevate is the science software you can find within PathBlazers.  Click here for a step-by-step document on how to log into Elevate. 

Scrubby Bear
Scrubby Bear Hand Washing Video


Pencil Grade


Want to know how to look up your child's grades?  There is a link under the "Parent's Tab" on the Hobbs Schools website, or click here.

If you do not know your login information, please see or call Ms. Julie in the office for your login information.
Click here for progress report/report card dates and a step by step of how to sign the electronic progress report/report card! 
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kids computer

Skyward is the software the district uses to keep records such as grades, attendance, student information, etc...  Family Access is the parent side of all these documents.  Through Family Access you are able to view your child's grades, attendance, testing data, student information, and cafeteria balances.

There are 2 ways to access Family Access.  Click the link of instructions that best suits your device:

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